Ghoom Jorebunglow College

Mr. Benoy Gajamer

Teacher In-Charge Ghoom Jorebunglow College Darjeeling.

It would not be unbefitting to get acquainted with Mr. Benoy Gajamer as “a genuinely humble person who humbles himself even before those who should be humbled by his presence.”

Mr. Benoy Gajamer has to his credit many accolades, awards and honours of which not only his parent institution but the whole of Darjeeling beam with immense pride. Sir has been indefatigably imparting education and has already been acclaimed for investing 36 years of prized service to Ghoom Boys Higher Secondary School as an Asst. Teacher (1985 – 1995) and the Headmaster   (1995 – 2021).

“Being passionate about something is the most beautiful characteristic you can develop” and this is exactly how Mr. Benoy Gajamer can be depicted, as he has also worked as a part-time lecturer at Sonada Degree College (1988-1989).

Like icing on the cake, Sir’s administrative experiences as the Headmaster of Ghoom Boys Higher Secondary School, Centre Supervisor in Higher Secondary Examination, Ghoom Centre, Head Examiner in West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education in Political Science, Centre Superintendent under National Institute of Open Schooling, District Advisory Committee member under West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education; cannot be bypassed.

As said by Jonas Salk, “The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more”, Sir has triumphed well – deserved prestigious and honorable awards like:

  1. National award to teacher conferred by the President of India in 2016.
  2. Shiksharatna Sammana conferred by the Government of West Bengal in 2015.
  3. Recommendation was made for the post of lecturer in Political Science ai Loreto College, Darjeeling by West Bengal College Service Commission in 1995.
  4. Jewel of India award by Economic Growth Society of India in 2016.
  5. Global teacher role model award by Global teacher Conference [ MVLA Trust ] Mumbai on 2016.
  6. Best leadership award for Vidyaratna by TEHEG, New Delhi in 2016.
  7. Rashtriya Shiksha Ratna award in Indo Socio Development Association, New Delhi in 2018.
  8. Bharat Jyoti award by India International Friendship India in 2016.
  9. Sarvapalli Radha Krishna Sabbhawana award in 2017.
  10. Rastra Pratibha award in Indo Socio Development Association, New Delhi in 2018.
  11. Global Teachers award by Global teachers Conference [ MVLA Trust ], Mumbai in 2018.
  12. Award for popularizing Vocational Education University of Salt Lake, Kolkata in 2017.
  13. Nominated for Bharat Siksha Ratna award bu Global Society of Health and Educational Growth in 2012.
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